Monday, October 27, 2014

200 Word Synopsis Audio Slide Show

For our audio slide show we have decided to interview one of our friends about their major in general. 

They are a business major at Lyndon, and they will be talking about the specific classes that are needed in the program and what you need know about being a business major.

He will be talking about his experience from the beginning of his freshman year to present time where he's a senior. 

The more challenging classes versus the more simpler classes will be described during the interview.  The story aspect will be about the life of a business major and what it will take to become successful in the business world. 

We will be using an audio recorder for the interview.  The photos will be shot with a DSLR digital camera and a cell phone. 

We hope to show the progression of a business student throughout their four years at Lyndon State including some of the business class rooms at Lyndon State, text books, and hopefully photos of the actual student depending on whether or not he decides to let us. 

The audience that this slide show will aim at is prospective business students that need some insight into what the actual major has to offer.  The interview will draw their attention because they are interested in what business classes are like at Lyndon State.

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